New Year Greeting!

Happy New Year Everyone!

New year, new dive trip plans. The Ocean Safari divers are getting ready to dive all over Southern California again this year, starting on January 15th. We also have overseas trips planned. More dives, more adventures, more friends, and more pictures!

I Caught a Lionfish by Surprise

I think this lion-fish is looking right at me. It's almost like he was casually swimming aomg and suddenly noticed I was there with my camera ready. He looks rather surprised. 

What You'd Expect to See

Over the years I have travelled all over the world to dive, but Raja Ampat remains at the top of my list of favorite dive destinations. Everything you'd expect when diving in the tropical waters is here: colorful reef with soft and hard coral, beautiful (and warm) blue water, and large school of fish. The biodiversity and concentration of marine life in this area is simply amazing. The remoteness of the location and the fact the diving condition here is often a little more challenging compared to many of the other popular dive destination also appeals to me. 

The Giant Underwater

Giant clam (Tridacna gigas) is the largest living bivalve mollusk in the world, and also one of the most endangered clam species. They can grow to be almost 50 inches and weigh as much as 440 pounds. They are among the amazing creatures you can see in the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific.

Splash of Color

Soft coral in the tropics add so much color and flare to the reef. I waited for a diver to swim over to just the right place for this picture. My patience paid off.