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Diver Name

Gabriel Lu

Occupation: Founder / Course Director
Location: San Gabriel
Hometown: Taiwan

“I believe that everybody has a responsibility to the world.  I found that mine was to share with others a passion for another world.  The only way to do this was to dedicate my entire life.”

Born and raised for the first sixteen years of his life in the rural countryside of Taitung, Taiwan, Gabriel Lu began scuba diving early at the age of fourteen.  What started out as catching fish for pocket change quickly evolved into an undying curiosity for the underwater world.

From there it was underwater special ops in the military, commercial diving for Taiwan Petroleum Company, education in New Zealand focusing on mixed-gas saturation diving, underwater welding and cutting, and a bachelor degree in the United States for deep-sea diving technology and ocean engineering.

As a certified Scuba instructor since 1987, Gabriel didn’t hesitate to begin his pursuit of recreational diving education.  In the process of receiving the NAUI course director title, he established Ocean Safari Scuba and began adding to his expertise underwater and outdoor photography, free diving, underwater precision equipment manufacturing, underwater hunting, and what accumulated to over thirty years of exotic world-traveling and outdoors experience.

However, it isn’t just your industry savviness which defines your character.  In the community Ocean Safari Outdoors and Gabriel Lu caters to, it is a burning passion that moves things forward.  It’s the willingness to dedicate yourself.  This spirit produces a relationship which in the end is fit for nothing else but a good adventure.

Gabe's Underwater Moments

May 27, 2015

Photos by Gabriel Lu



	My favorite sea animal! California Harbor seal! He was playing hide and seek with me for more than 10 minutes at Santa Barbara Island, California

My favorite sea animal! California Harbor seal! He was playing hide and seek with me for more than 10 minutes at Santa Barbara Island, California

  • Purple hydrocoral (Stylaster californicus) thrive on the lush reefs at Farnsworth Bank, a secluded dive site on the back side of Catalina Island, entrancing divers with their brilliant color.
  • Young California sheepshead (Semicossyphus pulcher) dance through the reaching arms of vibrant Red Gorgonian (Leptogorgia chilensis) at Farnsworth Bank. Stunning visibility reveals a flock of descending divers one-hundred feet above the reefs below.
  • A diver is swarmed by a school of silverside swirling around her as she descends under the towering structure of a Southern California Oil Rig.
  • Divers glide through the Silfra tectonic fissure. Located between the North American and Eurasia tectonic plates in Iceland's Thingvallavatn National Park, this exotic dive site offers stunning geology and the clearest and most pristine water on the planet, with visibility limited only by the clarity of a diver's mask.