Dreaming... Under a Jetty in French Polynesia

It was so unreal... all these onespot snapper (Lutjanus monostigma) hanging around under the jetty as if enjoying the shade. It felt like I was in a dream.

Dreaming of Dolphins

This friendly pod of dolphins visited us during our dive to play with us and let us touch and hug them. They played with our bubbles and seemed to enjoy feeling the bubbles on their bodies. They wanted us to give them belly rubs… they wiggled their tails when they enjoy the massages. I have never experienced this type of intimate encounter with wild dolphins. I think I understand why so many people want to go for a romantic getaway in French Polynesia.

Flaming Sea Fan

The rich, bright colors of the sea fan on this reef caught my attention during one of the dives at Forgotten Islands. There are not too many places like this where you can enjoy such amazing biodiversity.

The Colors of Forgotten Islands

Clear blue water, huge barrel sponges and colorful soft coral. Just from looking at the colors you can tell this photo was taken in the Coral Triangle. Forgotten Islands is one of my favorite places to dive. Simply amazing dives.


My beautiful and very obliging underwater model let me practice the sunburst shot with slave strobe lighting up her face. It is a very difficult shot. 1) I need to orient myself so that her body is blocking the sun, but the sun ray is visible around her. 2) The angle of the slave strobe must be perfect - it needs to be angled so that it is triggered by my strobe, but at the same time it needs to light the subject. I think it took over 10 shots to make it work… and, yes, she is holding her breath for the shot. You can see in her expression that she is losing her patience… lol