Upcoming Overseas/Long Range Trips

Loreto, Sea of Cortez Diving & Eco Expedition 2024

September 15 - September 19

Loreto is the entrance into the corridor of “The Aquarium of the World,” a title given to the Sea of Cortez by Jacques Cousteau. With an abundance of life and species diversity, this sensitive underwater ecosystem has been protected for the last 30 years as the Loreto Bay National Marine Park, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. We will sample the best dive sites in three of Loreto’s pristine islands: Isla Danzante, Isla Carmen, and Isla Coronado, where you’ll explore dazzling pinnacles and rugged walls of these volcanic islands teeming with life. 

In September, we will have the opportunity to dive in the best season - crystal clear waters with temperatures from mid to high 80s. 

On top of diving the majestic islands, we will also take a drive to enjoy the striking scenery of the Sierra de la Giganta ranges and visit a little village in the mountains, San Javier, home to one of the oldest and well-preserved missions. 

For this exciting adventure, we are lucky and honored to have Bruce Williams and Susan Specks join us - who are locally respected as the leyendas (legends) of scuba diving in the Sea of Cortez. Authors of Diving and Snorkeling the Sea of Cortez, they have decades of experience of exploring the gems in this region and will share the best, off-the-beaten path with us. 

Come join this spectacular group for a mini-getaway - just a quick 2-hour flight for this 5-day Baja adventure!


Spice Islands, Halmahera, Outer Raja Ampat Diving and Eco Expedition 2024

October 23 - November 8

Indonesia’s archipelagos are known to have some of the best diving in the world. The Spice Islands, formally called the Maluku Islands, span the Banda, Molucca, and Halmahera seas between Sulawesi and New Guinea. This stretch of ocean is famous for coral reefs teeming with endemic marine life, geologically complex sceneries, and its long history as a central figure of the European spice trade. Close by, just east of Halmahera Island in outer Raja Ampat, the Misool District and Dampier Strait sits on the edge of the “Bird’s Head Seascape” which boasts over 70% of the world’s coral species and 1,800 different species of reef fish. Aboard the world-renowned boutique liveaboard, Arenui, we’ll be exploring some of the most majestic waters in Indonesia through critter dives, drift dives along steep reef walls, coral gardens, and so much more as we make our way from Ambon to Halmahera to Sorong. Along the way, we’ll also be able to hop on land to visit some remote island villages and experience their rich culture firsthand. Join Ocean Safari as we venture through the unforgettable wonders of the world’s most biodiverse waters aboard one of the most luxurious vessels at sea. 


Raja Ampat & Lembeh Strait Diving Expedition 2025

January 10 - January 23

The Ocean Safari Dive Team is gearing up to explore the breathtaking & colorful waters of Northern Raja Ampat and Northern Sulawesi. As part of the famous Coral Triangle, this region is a vibrant hotspot of marine biodiversity, unlike any other place in the world. Starting our journey from Sorong, West Papua, we’ll explore the dazzling geological formations bejeweled with schools of fish and 64% of the world’s coral species aboard the first class liveaboard, Arenui. After 7 days of spectacular reef diving, we’ll fly west to Manado and visit the world’s best muck diving destination in Lembeh for 4 days. We will stay in a 5-star seaside resort, overlooking the  strait filled with unique sea creatures found nowhere else in the world. In addition, we will also be hopping on land to experience the rich remote island cultures and learn in depth about the famous history of the region. Join Ocean Safari on a journey across the most biodiverse waters in the world. You definitely don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! 


Best of Borneo & West Sulawesi, Indonesia 2025

August 29 - September 10

We will embark on an epic journey that will take us between the islands and reefs rising up from the Makassar Strait aboard the world-renowned boutique liveaboard, Arenui. Each island has its own unique character. We can see entire schools of manta rays at Sangalaki that are drawn here to feed on plankton. As well as turtles, Derawan has elusive treasures to be found; here we search for hidden critters. Maratua hosts massive marvels, such as sharks, barracudas and more mantas! At Kakaban island, plunge into the saltwater lake full with non-stinging jellyfish in the middle of the island. Dive the incredible walls encircling the island of Kakaban. In the shallow waters encircling Samama, we scan for an abundance of macro critters, hiding in plain sight. Moving on, we cross over to the Sulawesi side of the Strait. We will follow the coastline to see the many picturesque islands and bays. We can expect to dive large reefs with immense soft and hard coral coverage, incredible pelagics, including sharks on almost each dive.