I like this kind of school :)

Most of us have spent a significant chunk of our life in school. Some of us go on to earn college degrees… Some of us become diving professionals. I found a great sense of relief, when I had no more obligation to return to school. Summer break would be the rest of my life.
However, on my trip to dive the Sea of Cortez, I found myself in a school once again
Seeing hundreds of Barracuda organizing themselves into different shapes and patterns as we cruised along the sand surrounding San Franscisquito in northern La Paz was definitely one of the most mesmerizing experiences of our journey. Between the lighting and my excitement, I struggled to capture the enormity of the school with my lens, as they swarmed in and out of our path. I noticed that without a diver in the image, it was difficult to show the relative size of the school. Instead of being in the school myself, I decided to hang back and wait for my model to present themselves.
Eventually I was able to capture this image of my friend (and diving super model), Andy Moore, enjoying the view from within the eye of the cyclone.
In the school of barracuda I learned that sometimes it’s good to slow down, take a step back, and appreciate the bigger picture.

Ocean Safari August Webinars & Seminars

Join our Intro to Marine Biology webinars to learn about the incredible organisms that live in and around the ocean, how the vast ocean around us functions, how life within it interacts with each other, and how we can go about helping it. You can join one or both webinars. If you are interested, but cannot attend the webinar, you can request to have the recording link sent to you. 

Intro to Marine Biology Webinar Session 1: Marine Botany, Invertebrates, and Vertebrates

8/11/22 (Thursday) 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Sign up here

Intro to Marine Biology Webinar Session 2: Oceanography, Ecology, and Conservation

8/18/22 (Thursday) 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Sign up here


Ocean Safari July Webinars & Seminars

In July, we are starting off our webinar & seminar series with a webinar about our Channel Islands. We will be scheduling more sessions so please keep checking our calendar.

Ecology & Evolution of the Channel Islands

7/7/22 (Thursday) 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Sign Up Here


Diving First Aid and Hazardous Marine Life Injuries

7/8/22 (Friday) 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Call us at 626-287-6283 to sign up.


Ocean Safari June Webinars

Our webinar series continues. 

California Marine Invertebrates - Soft and Squishy Group

6/16 (Thursday) 6:30pm - 8pm

Sign up here

Marine Conservation and Human Impacts

6/30 (Thursday) 6:30pm - 8pm  postponed


Ocean Safari Seminars/Webinars